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Sahastra Tal - Uttarakhand

Sahastra Tal at an altitude of 4560 Mts. is situated between Bhagirathi valley to the West and Bhilangana valley in the East in Uttarakhand. ‘Sahasra’ in Sanskrit means ‘a thousand’. According to legend, a king performed a ritual on the shores of the lake with a thousand Brahma Kamal flowers for Lord Vishnu. In local Garhwali ‘Sahasyu’ means ‘seven’ – perhaps due to the location of 7 lakes – of all sizes along both sides of the final ridge that leads to the main Sahatratal , located near the ridge head. This ridgeline is the N-NE extension of the Gangotri range and separates the Bhagirathi valley from its main tributary of Bhilangana river and also acts as a boundary between the Uttarkashi and the Tehri districts of Garhwal. The trail is easy to moderate with breathtaking alpine meadows and forests of juniper, pine, walnut and oak. It is a lesser known but pristine and fascinating trail. The famous travel writer Bill Aitken describes this area as the lake district of Garhwal. The planned trail is from a quaint little village Sila, 33 kms from the district headquarters of Uttarkashi. The trail then passes through Gairu, Kushkalyan, Kyarki Bugyal and Lambtal, before we reach the lake. The return is via Kyarki Bhugyal, Dani Bughyal, Huretha and Bayana village. The trek through rolling meadows, ridges and un disturbed rugged terrain is an experience to cherish. As one hikes along the ridge, snow capped mountain peaks like, Jaonli, Bandharpuunch, Kalanag, Srikanth, Draupadi ka dhanda and the Gangotri region can be seen. On a clear day one can see Mt.Nanda Devi and Chaukhamba at the far East. In summer, the area abounds with Brahmkamal flowers.

May 17

Shirgun Tungu Base (Batch 3)

September 14

Deo Tibba